Three Bags Full

My youngest nephew's thoughts on hearing more fiber!

My youngest nephew's thoughts on hearing more fiber!

A little bit over a month ago, my friend Leslie gifted me with several fleeces. Yes, spinners gifted! They were from her shearing two years ago and she just had not had time to process them. When she said she had fleeces to give me, I figured maybe two or three at the most not the 10 I ended up with. P and I decided to send some off to be processed into roving. Since I was the one in possession of the fleeces, I got to pick out where they went. We have decided to try a variety of small processors to see who we like and I settled on Spinderellas in Salt Lake City.

In a little over a month, this is what I got back this week. Three bags full of roving. Well technically top since we had the fibers carded which creates top. Now the brown is all claimed by P. She will be doing quite a bit of spinning I am thinking. Um, P this bag means no buying fibre for you at MDS&W. The white is being purchased off me by the members of my spinning group. I can’t wait to see how Kate and Paula dye this up.

The three bags of roving back fromt he mill

The three bags of roving back fromt he mill


Filed under spinning

4 responses to “Three Bags Full

  1. Not to argue, but combed fiber creates top. This site has a mini-list of fiber preps.

    Your fiber looks fabulous no matter how its prepared. Enjoy the dyeing and spinning!!

  2. so how tall is that bench in the background?! can’t wait to see how it dyes and spins! 🙂

  3. Baa!

    Since my spinning IQ=O, I have to ask, how much yarn will you get from a bag?

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