Actual Knitting

As witnessed by the photo yesterday, I have actually been knitting. One good thing about having a cold/allergy combination is that you get to be a slouch and sit on the couch and knit. So I have been working on my socks. My socks for the Loopy Ewe Quarterly Challenge and my Bloomin’ Feet socks.

And yes, the socks yesterday were trying to escape by climbing up over a huge pile of snow.

I am on the leg of the second sock for the Loopy Ewe Quarterly Challenge. According to Sheri’s brilliant method of thinking, I am a Martha. I prefer to knit my socks in bright colors. You will not find any thing tame in my sock drawer other than white running socks. The yarn for my Martha socks is Sweet Georgia in Still Water. And yes, I am on the leg of the second sock. I am going to get these socks done by the end of the month to enter them in the challenge. And isn’t it funny how the colors also fall neatly into the Project Spectrum colors for this month?

And funny how my yarn for my Bloomin Feet socks came from The Loopy Ewe also. The yarn is from All Things Heather and the color is Tiger Lily. The first time I started these socks, I started them using the Elfine pattern. But I just didn’t like the way the colors pooled. I was going to just go with it until it was discovered that I had split the yarn and this is a lace pattern. So I frogged it. And I also decided to change patterns. The new pattern is the Lupine Lace pattern from Fiber Trends. So far so good. I am finding it strange to be using US1s since I normally knit on 0s. But if I knit the legs on 0s, they will be a little tight. So I am planning on switching on down to 0s after I finish the last leg repeat.

And I just started reading Labyrinth by Kate Mosse. Lately I have been reading several books about the Knights Templar, Carcassonne, the Cathers, and the search for the Holy Grail. So this book kind of fits in. I just finished Steve Berry‘s new book The Alexandria Link which while not about the Knights Templar is still about the Bible. If you want something that will keep you reading (and on the edge of your seat), try picking up The Templar Legacy also by Steve Berry. I have also read the The Last Templar


Filed under Bloomin' Feet, Socks, Swaps

5 responses to “Actual Knitting

  1. Have you read Wicked? If you haven’t, you should, it’s a good one.

    If you have, and you liked it, try Mirror Mirror (same author, Gregory MaGuire I think, could be making that up)

  2. I just started reading Labrynth last week myself. I had a very slow start to it, but I’m going to try again in a day or two when I’ve had some more sleep…

  3. MJ

    I agree with you–Steve Berry’s book was way better than Raymond Khoury’s. This Templar thing is all so very interesting, but I bet it’s just been mythologized. It makes for good plots, though.

    Diane Setterfield’s The Thirteenth Tale is very good.

    And you can’t go wrong with any of Donna Leon’s mysteries, which all have one central figure and are based in Venice, Italy.

  4. Great socks! I really enjoyed Labyrinth. I hope you like it too.

  5. Here are a few well-written books that I would highly recommend:

    – Winter’s Tale, by Mark Helprin

    – Cold Comfort Farm, by Stella Gibbons,

    – The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco

    – The Seven Sisters, by Margaret Drabble

    – Three Junes, by Julia Glass

    – Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke

    – Brat Farrar, by Josephine Tey

    – The Bonesetter’s Daughter, by Amy Tan

    – The Deptford Trilogy, by Robertson Davies

    – Stones from the River, by Ursula Hegi

    – The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, by Mark Haddon

    You’ve probably already read a bunch of these!